Present4me: the perfect gift, you choose!
An app that allows to create wishlists for all occasions, so you can only receive gifts that will make you happy.
How many times did you hint to your friends and family what you like the most? Window shopping, the suggestion that that bag would be lovely with your trench wasn’t picked up by your boyfriend? The perfume you unwrapped wasn’t the one you were dreaming of? Or did you unwrap the umpteenth reindeer jumper? How many times someone asked you what a relative, friend or boyfriend would like as a gift?
Mind you, receiving a present is always a pleasant moment, but sometimes the excitement disappears as we unwrap the package. Who knows our taste well already knows how to make us happy, but sometimes, even the most generous and authentic impulses do not get it quite right.
To solve in a brilliant and effective way the wrong-gift frustration, Present4me comes to our aid! An user-friendly smartphone app with a clear objective: getting exactly what you want. Very easy, considering you make the lists.
For Christmas and any other gift-giving occasions like graduations, birthdays, weddings etc., this app allows you to let others know your preferences, either about objects or experiences. The possibilities are endless, not only for the more traditional celebrations, but for any moment where a present would cheer us up.
As we were saying, you can always put this app to the test, but why not trying it out for the approaching of Christmas? In your wishlist you can include those magnificent shoes you just saw at your favourite boutique, your friend’s earrings or that philosophy book you stumbled upon by chance. All you need to do is to take a picture and fill in the name and description of the item, listing where you can find it.
If you’re more of a tech-savvy and your list is a technological one, you can also insert directly the link, so the process is even faster. The glamour yoga mat or the perfect accessory for your living room? The app will automatically retrieve pictures from the link and incorporate them in your wishlists.
The uniqueness of this app is that the lists can contain gifts from different channels, i.e. markets, shops or websites in a universal fashion. This could prove very useful if, for example, you don’t want to get everything on your registry from the same shop.
And not only that, you can also directly import gifts that appear on friends’ lists; with Presents4me, stealing ideas is not a sin, it’s a GRAB! It’s possible to create endless wishlists, naming and organizing them by type of product, occurrence, recipient… it’s up to you! Moreover, lists can be public, private or password protected. (Some gifts are just better protected from prying eyes).
Another strength of this app is the possibility to share lists in an easy and quick way with anyone. With a few passages, friends, family and colleagues will receive the key to your wishes. You can also share it via social networks such as Whatsapp, and you don’t even need the app to open the wishlist.
The presents you listed can also be marked as booked or received, so anyone who’s looking for inspiration already knows what’s left to consider. It could be a nice and fun gift rush to play with your family or friends!
Present4me was designed by AYES, for its employees in the first place, and then for everyone, both iOS and Android users. It’s free, available in multiple languages (italian, english, spanish and portuguese) and it’s very easy to use.
And if after carefully selecting your presents your spouse, friends, family or colleagues will get them wrong again…don’t get discouraged, it’s the thought who counts. Or so they say!
Downolad: Present4me
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